giovedì 19 maggio 2011

Mild Cerebral Palsy Signs - How Do You Know If Your Child Exhibits Cerebral Palsy Symptoms?

Cerebral palsy is a terrible disorder that is contracted by one in every five hundred children all over the world, however, it comes in many forms. There are many instances of mild cerebral palsy that are diagnosed, and fortunately few cases of a more severe form of the disease. However, because it is more common and less distinguishable, the mild cerebral palsy signs must be identified and followed if you plan on getting any kind of treatment or assistance. Tracking these mild cerebral palsy signs is essential, and should be done even if your doctor doesn't necessarily agree to further testing at the beginning.

The most common sign of any form of this disease in infants is a difficulty in basic physical movements, such as sitting up, walking, or stiff movements while doing more advanced athletics like walking or running. While all babies and toddlers are somewhat stiff, try to distinguish if it is because of lack of practice, or if your infant is significantly behind in their development. The first sign of possible problems is that a child develops slower than their peers.

Another common symptom of CP might occur if you notice that your child has severe difficulty in learning to speak. Slurred words, clipped sentence structure, or noises that are not part of normal speech being added to the middle of sentences might indicate that they are having difficulty forming words properly because of poor muscle tone in their jaw and mouth areas. This is what CP's primary method of attacking the body is, so watching for this is essential.

For older children, look at possible detachment from toys and social relationships. While this is normally considered a sign of possible autism or Asperger's, those are two very common problems that are often associated with this disease, and some doctors believe that cerebral palsy, particularly mild forms of the disease, may cause one or both of the others. More testing on this must be done, but it is known that more than half of all cerebral palsy patients suffer from at least one other learning disability or mental retardation.

While none of these mild cerebral palsy signs are a sure thing, a well-documented collection of dates and times when each symptom was recorded in your particular child may be the thing your doctor needs to start further testing, which is almost always covered by insurance. There is no cure for this disease, but there is a great deal of treatment that you can get simply by having these tests done, and the earlier you identify problems, the better off your children will be.

For more information on mild cerebral palsy symptoms, visit our website at

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