sabato 4 giugno 2011

Proper Care of a Cerebral Palsied Infant

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disease that is characterized by low or non-coordination of muscles to body movements. The disease is caused by a partial or total damage to the brain during the early stages of life. There are instances that infants that are not yet born, those still inside the womb may acquire such disease when proper care of the mother is not done.

The word cerebral is a term used by medical people to talk about the brain. The word is an adjective of cerebrum, a part of the brain that is responsible from sending neurons to the muscles. It is the one that lets human move. The term palsy on the other hand, means posture or movement disorder. Summing up the two terms and their meaning, one can arrive at one concrete meaning. Cerebral palsy based on the analogy is a disorder or imbalance in the muscle movement due to low or non-coordination of the brain.

Because the disease mostly develops during the early stages of life, the primary victims of such disease or disorder are the infants. When an infant experiences difficulty in breathing, in suckling or can bowel easily during first weeks of child birth, the same must be carefully observed. The following biological process involves the movement of the muscle. If those processes respond negatively there is a higher possibility that the child has cerebral palsy.

Infants are generally not easy to take care of. They have no natural communicating device except their baby cries. Cerebral palsied infants need extra care due to their low or non-reaction of the brain. Here are some tips to be done in proper caring for a cerebral palsied infant:

? Do not be intimidated or be shy in asking your paediatrician for the proper care of your child. There are special treatments that must be done to affect infants but you need to know it through your paediatrician. Since cerebral palsy is directly connected to body movements and the brain, there are brain and muscle therapies that are needed to be done but with the supervision or upon the prescription of professional practitioners.

? Be sensitive to your baby?s movements or reactions. Infants affected by cerebral palsy may cry often due to inability to physically react to brain. You must not take your child?s needs for granted.

? Treat your baby the normal way. Play with him. It is very important to have time for your child when you can bond with him. Psychologically, it will help your child.

Cerebral palsied infants are no ordinary babies but need to be regarded as normal. Special care and attention is needed. You can have them treated fully or at least partially.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on cerebral palsy, what causes it & where to get advice, please visit

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